George Town, Great Exuma Cay, Exuma, Bahamas

KORKZcrew is the blue dot on the map. We are at our same anchorage on Stocking Island, but this gives you an idea of where we are in relation to the rest of the Bahamas.
After yesterday's awesome beach walk, we were determined to take Skeet back to experience it as well and to get a little exercise. He liked the view from the platform over Elizabeth Harbor as much as we did.

The ocean side still pretty much stole the show. With the winds calmer today, there were a lot more people out taking a walk and enjoying the view.

We walked WAYYYYY down the beach. I have no idea how far, but I took a screenshot of our location on Google just to give us a sense of our distance from KORKZcrew.

After our walk, we went back to KORKZcrew and decided to take the dinghy over to The Snappy Turtle Grill which is just beyond Chat 'N Chill, and has a nice porch overlooking hurricane hole #1 and #2.

View from the porch of Snappy Turtle. The clump of trees on the left is Chat 'N Chill
On the way back from lunch, we decided to take a dinghy ride to the south end of Stocking Island where we'd walked a week or so ago. I love having the dinghy as a way to explore the area, especially the more shallow waters that you can't access with KORKZcrew. It's also fun just to ride around and see all the different boats in the anchorage.
We heard on the Morning Report that the boat count in the harbor today is 296! This time last year it was 168. I'm guessing a lot of that has to do with more people working remotely due to Covid, but I'm really not sure. That's a bunch of boats! Here again I tried to capture the "starry skies" made with the mast lights with not the greatest results, but it's such a tranquil sight in the evenings.
