Bimini Big Game Club, Bahamas to The Cat Cay Islands, Bahamas

Woke up this morning and did an awesome live online workout with my good buddy Fonda who also happens to be an amazing personal trainer. Her Fonda Interactive Training classes are so convenient, and have allowed me to keep moving even though I can be boat-bound for days at a time. Another cool thing about it is being able to see friends and family from all over the place if they happen to participate in the same class. I've exercised with my sister from her home in Sunset beach, and with my college roommate Courtney who lives in Maryland and has a condo in Jupiter, Florida. Today she joined us from Florida and told me I'd only missed seeing her by a few days!! Wonder if we chugged right by her condo?!

Skeet went swimming multiple times this morning, having the best time jumping in and out of the water whenever the spirit moved him. The water AND weather are absolutely gorgeous — low humidity and a light breeze.

We caught up on work and various chores today, including running a few bags of trash to the marina by dinghy, and then decided to take off this afternoon for Gun Cay, a day earlier than originally planned in order to shorten our trip to the Berry islands on Friday. We ended up amending our destination from Gun Cay to The Cat Cays and headed out around 4:00 pm. This route is similar to the one Ron took in 2015, except his was taken at night on his sailboat in what started as a beautiful evening but quickly deteriorated into somewhat of a horror story. You can read about that gut-wrenching passage here (don't worry; it has a happy ending — scroll down to Tuesday, November 24). He was headed for Great Harbour in the Berry Islands on his 27' Island Packet named "No Ragrets", (at least that was its name before he took this passage 😱 ), and I’m relieved to say I didn’t know anything about his ordeal until many weeks after it happened. Pretty sure I couldn’t have handled it knowing it at the time.
Skeet missed his Dad on that 2015 trip so much, and you can tell he's proud to be in the driver's seat so to speak right next to his hero and favorite captain. Skeet is always there for Ron and makes the biggest difference in our ability to navigate, anticipate weather, and everything in between. Plus, he's always happy, and who doesn't want to be around THAT kind of energy?! We might be willing to loan him out for a small fee, but then again . . . I'd have a hard time letting him go.

Steve is pretty good company too. Sorry — no loaners on him either. 😜

We anchored just outside of The Cat Cays overnight, ate dinner and relaxed on board, and will look forward to taking off for Chub Cay in the morning!
Night night!
12 nautical miles / 2 hours underway
