Hope Town, Elbow Cay, Abaco Islands, Bahamas

KORKZcrew is the blue dot on the map
Merry Christmas! This time last year, we were waking up to Santa on the bow of KORKZcrew in downtown Miami. What a setting!

This year, the weather had other ideas, but Santa still managed to find us inside KORKZcrew's pilot house.

We were complete blobs for most of the day, eating failed attempts at Christmas tree pancakes and Christmas tree mozzarella balls, and enjoying playing with our respective new toys. (I think I need to stick to my day job of making non-arbor-themed foods.😜)
If you squint really hard and lie to yourself, those unrecognizable shapes magically become Christmas trees
After getting our fill of blobhood, Ron and I decided to stretch our legs with a short walk to the Elbow Reef Lighthouse. It would've apparently been even shorter if we'd brought Skeet along with us who of course told us later he knew of a shortcut, but we aren't the brightest bulbs and took the long way around a boatyard to the entrance of the lighthouse. It was closed today so we unfortunately couldn't climb it, but we put that on the list of "must-do's" before we leave Hope Town. It's so beautiful, especially with its fresh coat of paint. The residents must feel a genuine sense of relief that it looks like its good ol' self again, for the first time since Hurricane Dorian.

Ron and Greta decided to take another look at the surf this afternoon, and while the official report was a resounding "FLAT", we still enjoyed the view, as well as the chance to run around if you happen to be a dog named Steve.

Greta even went for a quick dip, and yes, that water is chilly. Warmer than at home certainly, but still . . . I don't have the guts for sticking my big toe in it, much less my whole body.

The day ended with the best exclamation point imaginable: a Christmas FaceTime chat with Whitney and Will, celebrating their first Christmas in their new home in Melbourne. Too fun!

Night night, KORKZcrew!

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