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Katharine Hesmer

Bahamas | Take 2 | January 2, 2023

Egg Island, Bahamas

KORKZcrew is the blue dot on the map

Egg Island is so peaceful and beautiful we decided to spend an extra night here instead of treating it as a stopover anchorage on our way to the Exuma Cays. At the risk of being Captain Obvious (again), one thing I learned long ago during our week-long charter trips with the Reddins was the built-in benefits of freedom and flexibility afforded by boat travel vs staying at a hotel. Charter companies will map out a general area within which you can explore during the week, but it's still very much up to you where you stop and how long you stay there, and you can cover a lot of ground. If you love an anchorage, you can add a day or two; if you're not so crazy about a certain spot, you just keep moving. If you have the slightest interest in chartering a boat one day, there are a number of ways to achieve this, even if you don't currently have the necessary experience. Ron and I fell into these annual charter trips purely by accident — and what a happy accident it was — as that New Year's trip with the Reddins back in 2007 was supposed to be a one-off. Issues with that initial boat led to the charter company comping us a boat for 2008, and our families traveled so well together that 2008 became 2009 and so on. Splitting the charter with another family made the trip financially "do-able" for both of us (with a little Kackanomics thrown in on the side), and it became our go-to spring break of choice. Lucky, lucky us. And those trips have EVERYTHING to do with my comfort around and appreciation for boat life today. But again, you don't have to have the goal of one day living on a boat to scratch the itch of tackling a charter. I highly recommend giving it a whirl. Ron and I can recommend reputable companies depending on the area where you'd like to travel, and/or outfits that offer courses to help you qualify as a bareboat charter captain.

But I digress. As usual (!).

Once Steve had taken his daily trip-to-the-beach this morning, we decided to move to a different anchorage as we'd read about decent snorkeling on the west side of Egg Island. While the conditions weren't great for underwater visibility, we still enjoyed exploring the area via dinghy, just to get a sense of where we were.

This plan did not involve Steve, much to his dismay, but he was especially glad to see us when we returned to KORKZcrew.

But fear not; we made it up to KORKZcrew's favorite canine with an afternoon visit to a nearby beach, with enough sand and swim to wear the poor thing completely out.

Someone's gonna sleep well tonight!

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