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Katharine Hesmer

Bahamas | Take 2 | December 28, 2022

Updated: Jan 8, 2023

Hope Town, Elbow Cay, Abaco Islands, Bahamas

KORKZcrew is the blue dot on the map

Last day at the marina, and last full day for Greta aboard KORKZcrew. But before we left, we had to give surfing one last shot, and Steve thought that was an especially great idea since it meant a dinghy ride PLUS another visit to his sandy haven. Win/win.

Steve is always the first one on the dinghy.

While Ron and Greta checked out the beach, Skeet and I stopped at a tiny market called Vernon's and got a few provisions to help cover us for the next few days. I remembered this market from 2015 because Vernon had quotes hung up all over its interior, and the one that stood out most to me from back then was "A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on." The quotes from inside the market were not replaced after Hurricane Dorian, but the door to his grocery store does a fine job of handling that task.

While we delivered on our promise for better weather today, we didn't fare quite as well on the hope for surf. Flat again, but never fear . . . there's always retail therapy! 😜

I love the charming homes here.

This gift shop had an interesting article attached to its door, celebrating the restoration of the lighthouse. The store takes a percentage of each sale and donates it to the Elbow Reef Lighthouse Foundation, and I was happy to contribute to such a worthy cause. (This is another way of saying "how can I make this sound like something other than just being purely indulgent". Also known as "Kackanomics". 😜)

We did our final checkout at the marina which involves tallying up and paying for the electricity we used during the week and paying the nightly fee for docking, and then we took off to spend the afternoon and evening near Firefly Sunset Resort. The Reddin family was kind enough to give us a gift certificate to Firefly for Christmas, so we thought what better way to celebrate our last day in Elbow Cay before Greta has to head back to Chapel Hill.

Of course, we planned this all so "well" that the first thing we realized upon our arrival at Firefly's dock was that we'd left the gift certificate on the boat, so Skeet offered to take the dinghy back to KORKZcrew to grab it.

Ron and Greta and I decided to sit at the bar on this visit, as it gives you stunning views over White Sound, and is a bustling place with a fun atmosphere. You can see KORKZcrew in the distance at the very beginning of this video.

Once Skeet returned to the restaurant and joined us at the bar, he was dismayed to know that one of their regular patrons (just in the month of December, for some unknown reason) are the local bees, which apparently don't sting, but try convincing Skeet of that. I'll wait. 😂 They are apparently as attracted to the Firefly moonshine as the regular patrons at the bar.

You may already know this, but Firefly Sunset Resort is owned by the same people who run their distillery in Charleston, SC, which is pretty cool. Here's the scoop on the distillery:

The drinks were great, but the food was even better, although there was some mix up with our order, and darn if they didn't deliver a tuna appetizer that we hadn't asked for, so we HAD to eat it. For free. Twist my arm. Then they delivered our originally requested fried pickles, twice. The second one on the house. Arm now in verifiable pretzel form. Arteries certifiably blocked. We were fat and happy, and enjoyed that fantastic view until everyone was served their main meal, which by that time was hard to finish because we were so full. But definitely happy, like I said!

After lunch, Ron and Greta hit the gift shop, got a few tshirts, and spotted the KORKZ on display. Firefly had made this post on their Instagram feed which was fun to stumble across.

Back to KORKZcrew where we enjoyed swimming and hanging out on the bow while listening to some great music. We're going to miss Greta so much, but are glad we had such a fun last day together in the Abacos.

View of Firefly Sunset Resort from KORKZcrew

Doesn't every 20 and 22 year old need bubbles in their Christmas stocking? Maybe don't answer that.

Night night, KORKZcrew!

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